At Perkins Orthodontics, our Fort Worth orthodontist can provide your child with a forsus appliance if they struggle with overbites or other improper bite alignments. Using this type of treatment, we can help significantly improve your child’s smile and help them avoid potential orthodontic complications in the future. To learn more about the benefits of a forsus appliance in Fort Worth, Texas, please feel free to contact us today at (817) 294-5021 and schedule a visit with Dr. Evan Perkins!
Forsus Appliance: The Advanced Solution for Bite Correction
If your child has a bad bite, our orthodontist may recommend that they be fitted with a forsus appliance to correct the bite. The forsus orthodontic appliance is non-removable and functions similarly to an elastic. Forsus appliances are typically recommended to promote growth, eliminate overbites and improve the fit of the teeth. The ultimate goal of this appliance is to prevent the need for jaw surgery in the future.
The forsus appliance consists of a spring attached to the upper molar bands. Springs are usually placed on each side of your mouth and work to move your jaw into an optimal bite position. This appliance is most frequently used to treat adolescents and is usually placed in the mouth within six months of beginning orthodontic treatment. Patients typically wear a forsus appliance for six to nine months, depending on the severity of their case. Our orthodontist will check your appliance at each appointment to ensure that it continues to function properly.
If you are wearing a forsus appliance, you can expect to feel some discomfort while your mouth adjusts. Your ability to eat or speak should not be affected after this initial period of adjustment. As your treatment progresses, the forsus appliance will move your jaw into the correct position and you will begin to bite properly.
Call our office today to learn more about the forsus orthodontic appliance and to set up your appointment with our experienced orthodontist.